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Are You Ready for Change?

These sample questions come from one of several tools that we use in our assessment and development programs. The focus of this particular tool is on development. Each of the questions represent different types of actions you must take in your career and/or job, and relates to the business situation you might use. Within each section (A, B, C, and D), read the questions and choose the one response which most closely describes your behavior. To receive results, you must respond to every section (a total of four sections). Your feedback results will be more accurate and helpful if you are as truthful as possible. If you rate yourself at or beyond the midpoint, a "3, 4 or 5", on any section, you should be able to describe and document an example of how and when you performed the activity.

Maximum score of 20: (4 sections) X (5 points per section)
SECTION A: Willingness and Ability to Change your Position on Issues


I am usually willing to change my mind when the majority of the group disagrees with me.

I modify my stance on issues when doing so would benefit others with whom I am associated.

I stay informed of various positions and scenarios and make changes as they are needed.

I quickly modify my stance when there is new and valid information.

I maintain or alter my position by considering how information and resources apply to situations.

SECTION B: Willingness and Ability to Initiate Action


In most situations I seek additional information before choosing a course of action.

I insist on finishing all currently scheduled tasks before initiating action on additional work.

In unfamiliar situations, I readily seek assistance before taking action.

In most situations, I initiate action with just the immediately available information and resources.

I willingly consider and examine different methods to accomplish objectives.

SECTION C: Willingness and Ability to Make Decisions


In unfamiliar situations I reach conclusions only after thoroughly studying the available information and resources.

I reanalyze all available information when presented with new, valid perspectives.

In new situations, I act only after considering possible outcomes and preparing to deal with contingencies.

I readily seek alternatives to ensure that I can make valid decisions.

I maintain or alter decisions by considering how information and resources apply to situations.

SECTION D: Willingness and Ability to Work with Others


In difficult situations I almost always find that it is best to take the path of least resistance.

I consider others' views once they can provide me with all possible information and resources.

I seek others' input to support my decisions or suggested changes.

I actively seek opportunities to neutralize or turnaround difficult challenges.

I frequently offer effective ideas to others despite possible resistance or risks.


Based on your responses, your current readiness for change appears to be:

17-20: Congratulations! You are ready now to deal with all expected and most unexpected changes. This score places you at the Expert Level meaning that you are extremely effective at managing change and leading individual, team, and organization change processes. At this level you are quite capable of helping individuals and teams effectively respond to change. Although you have few development needs, you will benefit from efforts to find additional opportunities to extend your Personal Flexibility strengths. We hope that you will continue your self-guiding and learning process.

12-16: Solid Performance. You are ready now to deal with routine, expected changes. This score places you at the Experienced Level meaning that you are good at managing change and working effectively with individuals and teams to incorporate new processes within your area of responsibility or expertise. At this level you work confidently with others to adjust to new situations and to improve individual and team performance. You have some development needs but, with a persistent and focused developmental effort, you will see marked improvement and you will be ready to advance to the next level when the opportunity arises.

4-11: Significant Development Needs. You are ready now to learn more about dealing with expected and unexpected changes. This score places you at the Entry Level meaning that you have a ways to go before you are considered effective at managing change and working effectively with individuals, teams, and organizations in new programs and situations. At this level you work hard and focus on ensuring current work procedures are followed. However, you are more reactive than proactive in dealing with your work environment and market changes. Although you have many development needs, you will benefit from pinpointing one or two areas for development which will help you focus and achieve better results faster.

Note: If you scored yourself particularly high or low in any one of the four sections, you may want to validate this finding by asking your coworkers or staff to evaluate and document your performance using this same assessment tool. For example, if you scored yourself low in "Working with Others", ask your staff or team whether or not they perceive you as slow or unwilling to seek and consider their input when experiencing change. If they do not validate your self-evaluation, ask them to explain their evaluation or to give you more information.

Being ready for change is a CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTOR and is recognized as important for success in today's challenging and re-engineered work environment.

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