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BirminghamMichigan(MI) Harms, Steven A personal infomation and areas of practice

Michigan Birmingham Muller, Muller, Richmond, Harms & Myers, P.C. attorney Harms, Steven A
  • Lawyer name:Harms, Steven A
  • Address:33233 Woodward Avenue Birmingham,MI
  • Phone:248-645-2440
  • Fax:248-645-5478
  • PostalCode:48009 -0903
  • WebSite:
  • Areas of Practice:Debt Collection?100% 75% of Practice Devoted to Litigation ,Collections, Contracts

Michigan BirminghamMuller, Muller, Richmond, Harms & Myers, P.C. attorney Harms, Steven A is a Very good lawyer practice area in Debt Collection?100% 75% of Practice Devoted to Litigation ,Collections, Contracts,Muller, Muller, Richmond, Harms & Myers, P.C.

if you have any problem in Debt Collection?100% 75% of Practice Devoted to Litigation ,Collections, Contracts,please email to Muller, Muller, Richmond, Harms & Myers, P.C. or call 248-645-2440 or Go to our company directly(addr:33233 Woodward Avenue Birmingham,MI) ,we will provide free legal advice for you.

  • Steven A. Harms is a partner in Muller, Muller, Richmond, Harms & Myers, with offices in Birmingham, Grand Rapids and Traverse City, Michigan.Steve is a frequent lecturer and an author in addition to being a full time collection attorney.? He also teaches in the MBA program at Walsh College, Troy, Michigan, live and online (winning an outstanding instructor award for online).Publications include many articles and seminar materials plus chapters of books including Michigan Basic Practice Handbook and Michigan Business Formbook.

    He co-authored International Commercial Secured Transactions with David Franklin, published 2010 by Thomson Reuters Publishing, a look at secured transactions around the world, with each country's requirements included.He is also sole author of the following books:Handling the Collection Case in Michigan, ICLE, revised, 4th Edition 2011, a?comprehensive book covering all aspects of creditor's rights, all rules, cases and statutes cited.Credit and Collections Kit for Dummies (Dummies Series), Wiley Publishing, 2009. a 360 page collector's or credit manager's guide to all aspects of extending credit and collecting past due obligations, with how-to check lists and hundreds (yes, hundreds) of forms!

    He is also listed in “Who’s Who in American Law” (since 1985) and Michigan Super Lawyers in Creditor’s Rights (since 2008) by the publishers of “Law and Politics.”

    Steve received the 2013 Leadership and Distinguished Service Award from the International Association of Commercial Collectors.

  • Michigan, 1975

  • Oakland County Bar Association (Member) State Bar of Michigan (Member) Commercial Law League of America, 1975 - Present (Member) YMCA of Oakland County (Board Member and Past Chairman) International Association of Commercial Collectors, 1991 - Present (Member)

  • Detroit College of Law, Detroit, Michigan, 1975J.D. Hope College, Holland, Michigan, 1970B.A.Major: Political Science

  • 50 years of representing clients in matters of credit, collections and business litigation through three strategically located offices in Michigan.

Muller, Muller, Richmond, Harms & Myers, P.C. & Joy Attorneys

Birmingham Michigan lawyer Harms, Steven A Birmingham Michigan lawyer Hartwell, Brian C. Birmingham Michigan lawyer Kamykowski, Stephanie C.

lawyer Harms, Steven A Reviews



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Hello YA! . I have both of my parents' last names, I'll just say Johnson-Williams as example, and I do not like to use my dad's last name so I tend to use my mothers which comes second (Williams in the example). I want to legally take "Johnson" out of my name and just keep "Chris Williams". I do not want both last names because my first name is already long enough to continue with two long last names. My question is what would i have to do and around how much would this cost? I live in California and I am 20 years old.

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You change it by going to the social security office, with your marriage certificate and request a name change. You also go to DMV and request to have your name changed, and call all of your banks, and cards, etc. and request to have it changed. This is not a service provided, you must take the effort to have to it changed and notify ssn, dmv, and creditors of the change.

I did the exact same thing for my son.. I'm sure it varies some state to state. just go visit the courthouse and they will tell you exactly what to do.. me, I had to file some paperwork at the courthouse and they told me to place an ad in the paper saying I wished to change his name. The ad runs for I believe 30 days and if the father or anyone else doesn't contact the court to say they are against the change, then you get the proof in the mail from the newspaper that it ran the 30 days, then you take that to the courthouse. Then it's just a matter of waiting for the judge to okay it.. you do not have to run the ad where the father lives, you run it where you are currently living, so if you live in different places, he would probably not even know about it and you shouldn't have any problem getting the name change.. I was in the exact situation as you and they granted it for me. but just because you have to run the ad and then wait for the judge, it was really more like 2 months. It's so worth it!. I guess if you're planning to be a single mother from here on out I would change the childs name, but if you think you may meet someone new, I don't think I would do it, because then you'll have to go through it all again and a judge isn't gonna just let you change the childs name all the time. . It was probably around $200 for the court costs but then you have to pay the newspaper. I think it costed me 90$ to run the ad for a total of $290.. my child was 4 years old when I had his name changed.. . ADD:. no she shouldn't have to get him to sign anything. you are not signing his rights away, just changing his name and those are two completely different things.. if you want his rights taken away then yes he would have to sign them away, but for just a name change for someone that doesn't see the father in years, you place the ad in the newspaper, and he has 30 days to respond to the ad. . If there is no response after the 30 days, the judge usually grants it no problem. No need to contact the father.. . and no they will not make her see him again, don't worry :). my son's father never even knew that we ran the ad because we lived in a different state, and they have you run the ad in your state and not his.. . Don't tell him you're running the ad. chances are, he'll never know it even happened.. . it's really a simple process and the people at the courthouse were really nice to me.. . ADD: oh, and if you have any proof that the father doesn't see her or anything like that bring it with you. theyll probably want the judge to see it.. . for instance, I had moved out of state as I said and I actually had sent him a certified letter showing my new address because you aren't supposed to move out of state without notifying them and so I was trying to just keep my butt covered you know and it came back to me undeliverable. so I gave that to the clerks and had them make a copy so they could see that there is no contact, and now I don't know where he lives and I had proof. Don't get worried if you don't have any proof, they will probably still grant it. it's just something to think about. and if you had proof that he was abusive... things like that. but it's not necessary, it just lets the judge see why you want it changed a little better.

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