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California San Francisco Saint, Lauren E. attorney Find Lawyer Profiles
  • Lawyer name:Find Lawyer Profiles
  • Address: San Francisco,CA
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  • Areas of Practice:Mediation

California San FranciscoSaint, Lauren E. attorney Find Lawyer Profiles is a Very good lawyer practice area in Mediation,Saint, Lauren E.

if you have any problem in Mediation,please email to Saint, Lauren E. or call or Go to our company directly(addr: San Francisco,CA) ,we will provide free legal advice for you.

    Saint, Lauren E. & Joy Attorneys

    lawyer Find Lawyer Profiles Reviews

    You need to attend court for this, so be prepared to be sworn in and such. The jury will be witnesses to your name change.

    My cousin was my dad's Power of atty while alive. He just passed. When will I know when his will is to be read

    Power of Attorney is when someone gets a legal document from a judge stating that they are responsible for a persons finances and or health such as an elderly parent who is no longer able to be responsible for themselves. Power of Attorney is not what it is called when a parent is responsible for their minor child.. . You are not a minor any more, 18 is an adult under the law. You can move out and there is nothing she can say about it.

    I know my social security number but I don't have the actual card - I can't find it, but I know the number from memory can I still get my permit with just the number and not card? also, on my moms income tax paper it shows my ssn can I bring that to the dmv in replacement for my card?.

    As a renter, what rights do I have if house is sold to someone who plans on living in the home?

    Legal advice needed...serious answers please.?

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