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BeavertonOregon(OR) Find Lawyer Profiles personal infomation and areas of practice

Oregon Beaverton Aaby, Barbara J. attorney Find Lawyer Profiles
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  • Areas of Practice:Residential

Oregon BeavertonAaby, Barbara J. attorney Find Lawyer Profiles is a Very good lawyer practice area in Residential,Aaby, Barbara J.

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    Yes. The Law is PA 2012, No 141. These are new requirements for durable power of attorney in Michigan:. . 1. The durable power of attorney have to be signed, dated, and witnessed by two persons.. 2. Before acting as the agent, he/she must first sign and acknowledgement outlining the agent's responsibilities, and must include language that is substantially the same as the suggested language provided in the act.. . The new requirements do not apply to a durable POA executed before October 1, 2012 but if your durable POA does not meet the new requirements, I hope you can contact your attorney to prepare a new one.

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