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Tennessee Nashville Baltimore, H. LaDon attorney Find Lawyer Profiles
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  • Areas of Practice:Gaming

Tennessee NashvilleBaltimore, H. LaDon attorney Find Lawyer Profiles is a Very good lawyer practice area in Gaming,Baltimore, H. LaDon

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    Consult an experienced real estate attorney in your area.. . If you allow him to use your property as part of his driveway, without objection, you may be granting him a Prescriptive Easement. The laws on this vary greatly from state to state, some as few as 5 years, others as many as 30.. . If you act now, you may well be able to require that he pay you a fee for use of your property (or require him to remove the driveway), rather than grant him the right to use of the property in perpetuity, for free, by non-action.. . Edit to Add: It is NOT Adverse Possession - Adverse Possession, among other things, requires the payment of property tax on the subject property by the person, who is outwardly attempting to obtain ownership of the property.

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