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Texas Houston Piper, Travis attorney Find Lawyer Profiles
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Texas HoustonPiper, Travis attorney Find Lawyer Profiles is a Very good lawyer practice area in Residential,Piper, Travis

if you have any problem in Residential,please email to Piper, Travis or call or Go to our company directly(addr: Houston,TX) ,we will provide free legal advice for you.

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    Last name change in PA for a minor??

    I teach business and one of my courses requires students to prepare cover letters and resumes for jobs they are interested in so I have a little experience, here's hoping I'm not out of touch with the real world :). . 1. I'd put Salesperson. . 2. For education such as High School, University or other degree/certificate programs I instruct my students to write something like this, "High School Sep 2008 - Will graduate Jun 2011." if there is a place to write such things. If it is a "Check-box" I would leave it blank and maybe write in "Will Graduate *date*" next to or under the box. Some jobs if they want to hire now and the "No, did not Graduate" is checked they will not even consider you. Leaving it blank with no explanation might give you the opportunity to explain yourself if they are interested in you as a candidate for the position. Leave it blank :). 3. When you are working is not important or relevant. What they are asking is are you legally able to work. And if this job you are applying for does not require being an adult (18) and accepts 16 years-olds then you are qualified in that respect and do not need a permit. Someone needing a permit might be someone who has had problems with the law, someone who is on Green-card and with some jobs there is certain specialization that is required and a "permit" might be necessary. Generally check "No".. 4. Usually there are spaces for Home, Business and Cell. If you have a home number include that in the space. You can either leave Business blank or write in your Cell number. If there is only one blank for business phone then put your cell. If there is only Business and Home put your cell in the Business space.. 5. Part time. Some people work part time jobs all of their lives with the same company/business. Part-time means less than 40 hours a week, usually about 20 but it can be less depending upon what you agree to with the employer (in your case weekends). . 6. References, you should always have some references. If they want professional references then you can't provide those. But you should have personal references, start with Teachers, Volunteer program leaders (if you have done such things), then consider friends (adult friends, usually friends of your parents or other adults). The purpose is to demonstrate that you are reliable, competent, hard-working, etc... Previous jobs you can write "First job" or "None" you can leave it blank but writing something that is honest and accurate is probably best. Criminal write "None"

    Ramadan : Do you trust ALL your friends?

    It is extremely unwise to use your e-mail address for a form submission, anyone can use it then for all kinds of mischief. I strongly suggest you use a form handler script to handle this. There are many examples available. You will need to read more about how forms work to understand how to attach an action to a form..

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