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The harmful Myth Asian Superiority

Some refer to Asian Americans as a model minority because the Asian American culture contains a high work ethic, respect for elders, hi^i degree of professional and academic success, high valuation of family, education and religion.  Statistics such as high household income and low incarceration rate, low rates of many diseases and higher than average life expectancy are also discussed as positive aspects of Asian Americans. This thesis surfaced in the mid-1960s (at the height of the dvil limits movement) when journalists began publicizing the hi^i educational attainment levels, hi median family incomes, low crime rates, and abscnce of juvenile delinquency and mental health problems among Asian Americans. It intended to tell Black and Chicano activists that they should follow the example set by Asian Americans who work hard to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps instead of using militant protests to obtain their rights. Undl today, similar political rhetoric can still be heard. True,the socioeconomic status of Asian Americans as a whole has improved since the early 1940s. The median family income in 1990 ($42,240) stood above the national average ($35,225). Asia-Americans are more affluent than other racial/ethnic group including whites. Asian Americans also have an enviable educational achievement, with almost twice the national average of college graduates. The myth of Asian Superiority once served an important political purpose and has long obscured reality. Most Asian Americas live in California, Hawaii and New York 一 states with higher incomes and higher costs of living than the national average. Studies showed that Asian Americans were unevenly distributed in the economy. Asian Americans were concentrated in occupations that did not pay as well as other jobs in the same industries. The low unemployment rate of Asian Americans merely camouflages hi^i underemployment. Wary of being on welfare, many Asian American workers would rather hold low-paid, part-time, or seasonal jobs than receive public assistance.Cridcs of the model minority stereotype point out that the most important measure of success should not be educational level, but returns to education. Many professionals have to bccome shopkeepers, greengrocers, even service workers in restaurants, seamstresses in garment factories, and janitors in hotels, which is a step downward in status. This concept appears to elevate Asian Americans by portraying them as an elite group of successful, highly educated, highly intelligent, and wealthy individuals, but it can also be considered an overly narrow and overly one-dimensional portrayal of Asian Americans, leaving out other human qualities such as vocal leadership, negative emotions, risk taking, ability to learn from mistakes, and desire for creative expression. Furthermore, Asian Americans who do not fit into the model minority mold can face challenges when people’s expectations based on the model minority myth do not match with reality. Traits outside of the model minority mold can be seen as negative character flaws for Asian Americans despite those very same traits being positive for the general American majority (e.g.} risk taking, confidence, empowered). For this reason, some believe Asian Americans encounter a “bamboo ceiling/' the Asian American equivalent of the glass ceiling in the workplace. The model minority concept can also affect Asians’ public education. By comparison with other minorities, Asians often achieve hi^ier test scores and grades compared to other Americans. Stereotyping Asian American as ovcr-achicvcrs can lead to harm if school officials or peers expcct all to perform hitler than average. Furthermore, the model minority concept can even be emotionally damaging to Asian Americans, particularly since they are expccted to live up to their peers who are part of the model minority. Studies have shown that Asian Americans suffer from higher rates of stress, depression, mental illnesses, and suicide attempts in comparison to other races. The pressures to achieve and live up to the model minority image have taken a mental and psychological toll on Asian Americans.

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